ISO8859-1 Table

The table below shows the (more or less) standard character set for use with HTML browsers. Be aware that characters less than 160 are often not supported or are supported differently from browser to browser and from platform to platform. And, even in the most widely standardized portion of the table--characters 160 through 255--you can get some variation: the quarter-fraction entity "¼" shows up as the Greek letter "pi" on some systems.

Warning: There is a temptation to use en-dashes, em-dashes, and both single and double opening and closing (curly) quotes when making HTML documents. While much better looking and more typographically correct than the neutral versions, many of these characters may not show up on the user's browser. If you do want to use these better characters, view your document on Macs, PCs, and UNIX workstations, using both Netscape and Explorer, and make sure they show up where they're supposed to.
Name Entity Code
Quotation mark " " " "
Ampersand & & & &
Less-than sign &lt; < &#60; <
Greater-than sign &gt; > &#62; >
? &;
? &;
&#129; 
Lowered closing single quote &;
"Function" symbol &;
&#131; ƒ
Lowered closing double quote &;
Ellipsis &;
Dagger &;
Double dagger &;
Circumflex (caret) &;
&#136; ˆ
Permil &;
"S" &;
&#138; Š
Single left guillemet &;
Uppercase "OE" ligature &;
&#140; Œ
? &;
&#141; 
? &;
&#142; Ž
? &;
&#143; 
? &;
&#144; 
Single opening quote &;
Single closing quote &;
Double opening quote &;
Double closing quote &;
Bullet &;
En dash &;
Em dash &;
Tilde &;
&#152; ˜
Trademark &;
Lowercase "s" &;
&#154; š
Single right guillemet &;
Lowercase "oe" ligature &;
&#156; œ
? &;
&#157; 
? &;
&#158; ž
Y umlaut &;
&#159; Ÿ
Non-breaking space &nbsp;   &#160;  
Inverted exclamation &iexcl; ¡ &#161; ¡
Cent sign &cent; ¢ &#162; ¢
Pound sterling &pound; £ &#163; £
General currency sign &curren; ¤ &#164; ¤
Yen sign &yen; ¥ &#165; ¥
Broken vertical bar &brkbar; &brvb; &#166; ¦
Section sign &sect; § &#167; §
Umlaut (dieresis) &uml; ¨ &#168; ¨
Copyright &copy; © &#169; ©
Feminine ordinal &ordf; ª &#170; ª
Left angle quote, guillemetleft &laquo; « &#171; «
"Not" sign &not; ¬ &#172; ¬
Soft hyphen &shy; ­ &#173; ­
Registered trademark &reg; ® &#174; ®
Macron accent &macr; ¯ &#175; ¯
Degree sign &deg; ° &#176; °
Plus or minus &plusmn; ± &#177; ±
Superscript two &sup2; ² &#178; ²
Superscript three &sup3; ³ &#179; ³
Acute accent &acute; ´ &#180; ´
Micro sign &micro; µ &#181; µ
Paragraph sign &para; &#182;
Middle dot &middot; · &#183; ·
Cedilla &cedil; ¸ &#184; ¸
Superscript one &sup1; ¹ &#185; ¹
Masculine ordinal &ordm; º &#186; º
Right angle quote, guillemetright &raquo; » &#187; »
Fraction one-fourth &frac14; ¼ &#188; ¼
Fraction one-half &frac12; ½ &#189; ½
Fraction three-fourths &frac34; ¾ &#190; ¾
Inverted question mark &iquest; ¿ &#191; ¿
Uppercase "A", grave accent &Agrave; À &#192; À
Uppercase "A", acute accent &Aacute; Á &#193; Á
Uppercase "A", circumflex accent &Acirc; Â &#194; Â
Uppercase "A", tilde &Atilde; Ã &#195; Ã
Uppercase "A", umlaut (dieresis) &Auml; Ä &#196; Ä
Uppercase "A", ring &Aring; Å &#197; Å
Uppercase "AE" ligature &AElig; Æ &#198; Æ
Uppercase "C", cedilla &Ccedil; Ç &#199; Ç
Uppercase "E", grave accent &Egrave; È &#200; È
Uppercase "E", acute accent &Eacute; É &#201; É
Uppercase "E", circumflex accent &Ecirc; Ê &#202; Ê
Uppercase "E", umlaut (dieresis) &Euml; Ë &#203; Ë
Uppercase "I", grave accent &Igrave; Ì &#204; Ì
Uppercase "I", acute accent &Iacute; Í &#205; Í
Uppercase "I", circumflex accent &Icirc; Î &#206; Î
Uppercase "I", umlaut (dieresis) &Iuml; Ï &#207; Ï
Uppercase "Eth", Icelandic &ETH; Ð &#208; Ð
Uppercase "N", tilde &Ntilde; Ñ &#209; Ñ
Uppercase "O", grave accent &Ograve; Ò &#210; Ò
Uppercase "O", acute accent &Oacute; Ó &#211; Ó
Uppercase "O", circumflex accent &Ocirc; Ô &#212; Ô
Uppercase "O", tilde &Otilde; Õ &#213; Õ
Uppercase "O", umlaut (dieresis) &Ouml; Ö &#214; Ö
Multiply sign &times; × &#215; ×
Uppercase "O", slash &Oslash; Ø &#216; Ø
Uppercase "U", grave accent &Ugrave; Ù &#217; Ù
Uppercase "U", acute accent &Uacute; Ú &#218; Ú
Uppercase "U", circumflex accent &Ucirc; Û &#219; Û
Uppercase "U", umlaut (dieresis) &Uuml; Ü &#220; Ü
Uppercase "Y", acute accent &Yacute; Ý &#221; Ý
Lowercase "fi" ligature &THORN; Þ &#222; Þ
German es-zet (sharp s) &szlig; ß &#223; ß
Lowercase "a", grave accent &agrave; à &#224; à
Lowercase "a", acute accent &aacute; á &#225; á
Lowercase "a", circumflex accent &acirc; â &#226; â
Lowercase "a", tilde &atilde; ã &#227; ã
Lowercase "a", umlaut (dieresis) &auml; ä &#228; ä
Lowercase "a", ring &aring; å &#229; å
Lowercase "ae" ligature &aelig; æ &#230; æ
Lowercase "c", cedilla &ccedil; ç &#231; ç
Lowercase "e", grave accent &egrave; è &#232; è
Lowercase "e", acute accent &eacute; é &#233; é
Lowercase "e", circumflex accent &ecirc; ê &#234; ê
Lowercase "e", umlaut (dieresis) &euml; ë &#235; ë
Lowercase "i", grave accent &igrave; ì &#236; ì
Lowercase "i", acute accent &iacute; í &#237; í
Lowercase "i", circumflex accent &icirc; î &#238; î
Lowercase "i", umlaut (dieresis) &iuml; ï &#239; ï
Lowercase "eth", Icelandic &eth; ð &#240; ð
Lowercase "n", tilde &ntilde; ñ &#241; ñ
Lowercase "o", grave accent &ograve; ò &#242; ò
Lowercase "o", acute accent &oacute; ó &#243; ó
Lowercase "o", circumflex accent &ocirc; ô &#244; ô
Lowercase "o", tilde &otilde; õ &#245; õ
Lowercase "o", umlaut (dieresis) &ouml; ö &#246; ö
Division sign &divide; ÷ &#247; ÷
Lowercase "o", slash &oslash; ø &#248; ø
Lowercase "u", grave accent &ugrave; ù &#249; ù
Lowercase "u", acute accent &uacute; ú &#250; ú
Lowercase "u", circumflex accent &ucirc; û &#251; û
Lowercase "u", umlaut (dieresis) &uuml; ü &#252; ü
Lowercase "y", acute accent &yacute; ý &#253; ý
Lowercase "fl" ligature &thorn; þ &#254; þ
Lowercase "y", umlaut (dieresis) &yuml; ÿ &#255; ÿ