
Tag: <body>

<body> Syntax

Syntax Diagram for <body>
Opening Tag Content Closing
Open Parameter = Value Close
<body background = "url" > body of
bgcolor = color
marginwidth NC = pixels NC
marginheight NC
bgproperties IE = fixed IE
leftmargin IE = pixels IE
topmargin IE

<body> Description

The body of a document, contained between <body> and </body> tags, is where the majority of the document's content resides.
The "url" specifies the background image, which is tiled both horizontally and vertically, to cover the entire window or frame. This may be either a GIF file or a JPEG file, but if it is a GIF file, it probably should not have a transparency color.
Specifies a solid background color. It is permissible to specify a background tile and a background color: the tile will overwrite the color, so the color will not be seen at all except in the vicinity of buttons, checkboxes, etc., in forms, where, depending on the browser and the platform, the color may show through.

A color is specified by either a six-digit hexadecimal value, where each pair of hex digits specifies the red, green, and blue components, respectively, or by a color name (red, white, black, etc.). The color specifier may be quoted, but it is not necessary.

The color of normal, non-hyperlinked text and image borders. The color for text is specified identically to that of bgcolor.
The color of text and borders of images that are hyperlinked, and whose destinations you have not visited. The color for link is specified identically to that of bgcolor.
The color of text and borders of images that are hyperlinked, and whose destinations you have visited. The color for vlink is specified identically to that of bgcolor.
The color of text and borders of images that are hyperlinked, and whose destinations you are in the process of going to see. That is, you are in the process of activating the hyperlink--you have clicked the mouse button, but have not yet released it. The color for link is specified identically to that of bgcolor.
marginwidth, marginheight
The amount of blank space to surround the text and/or images on a page. If your browser supports this feature, notice the unusually large margins on this page: 100 pixels on each side, and 50 pixels on top and bottom. (Netscape only.)
Causes the background to become a non-scrolling "watermark" (IE only).
leftmargin, topmargin
Defines, in pixels, the left and top margins of the page (IE only).

<body> Examples

This body tag specifies a window (or frame) with a white background, black text, blue unvisited links, magenta visited links, and red active links: <body bgcolor=ffffff text=000000 link=0000ff vlink=ff00ff alink=ff0000>
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