
Tag: <br>

<br> Syntax

Syntax Diagram for <br>
Open Parameter = Value Close
<br clear = left >

<br> Description

"<br>" stands for "break," as in "linebreak." It causes the current line of text to be terminated, even if it is not yet full, and starts displaying subsequent text on the next line.
Specifies that the next line is to start below the bottom of any floating images on the left, right, or both sides. The "clear" parameter has no effect if no images are using align=left or align=right.

<br> Examples

This markup: Send for your free catalog to:<br> Joe Schmoe<br>123 Main Street<br> Dullsville, USA . . .causes the following to be displayed:
Send for your free catalog to:
Joe Schmoe
123 Main Street
Dullsville, USA
This markup: <img src="Earth.jpg" width=100 height=100 align=left>Here is a photo of Earth taken by Apollo 11 astronauts.<br clear=left> It was taken on the translunar journey. . . .causes the following to be displayed:
Here is a photo of Earth taken by Apollo 11 astronauts.
It was taken on the translunar journey.

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