Tag: <embed>

<embed> Syntax

Syntax Diagram for <embed>
Opening Tag Content Closing
Open Parameter = Value Close
<embed src = url > content </embed>
type = mimetype
pluginspage = url
pluginurl = url
align = left
border = pixels
hidden = true
hspace = pixels
controls = name
console = name
width = units
units = pixels
autostart = true
name = plugin name
palette = foreground

Syntax Diagram for <noembed>
Opening Tag Content Closing Tag
<noembed> text </noembed>

<embed> Description

The <embed> tag embeds a generic object into the web page; the functionality of the object varies.
The URL of the object to be embedded. The MIME type of the file, which should correspond to the filename suffix, determines which plugin is loaded to handle the object being embedded. If you do not specify the src attribute, you must specify the type attribute.
The MIME (Multipurpose Internet Multimedia Extensions) type of the object to be embedded. The MIME type of the file determines which plugin is loaded to handle the object being embedded. If you do not specify the type attribute, you must specify the src attribute.
The URL of a web page that has the instructions for installing the plugin required to handle the object specified in the <embed> tag. This URL is only accessed if the plugin is not already installed.
The URL of a JAR (Java ARchive) file. The default plugin invokes the JAR Installation Manager (JIM) with this JAR file URL, rather than loading the URL into a window. pluginurl takes precedence over pluginspage.
Specifies the alignment for the visible representation of the embedded plugin. Default is "left".
Specifies the thickness of the border surrounding the plugin. Expressed in pixels (default is 1).
Specifies that the plugin has no border (i.e., the border thickness is zero).
Specifies the unit of measurement to be used for the height and width of the visible representation of the plugin. The value can be either "pixels" (the default) or "en" (1 en = current_point_size/2)
Specifies whether or not the visible representation of the plugin is visible on the page. A value of true for hidden overrides any height and width, setting the both to zero. The default is false.
hspace, vspace
Specifies the horizontal (or vertical) space between the left and right (or top and bottom) edges of the visible representation of the plugin and any surrounding content. Expressed in pixels.
Specifies the name of the plugin in the context of the browser page. That is, this attribute defines an identifier that can, for example, be used by a JavaScript program. It does not modify the file name of the plugin.
This attribute is relevant only to Wintel computers. If set to foreground, the plugin uses the foreground palette; if background, the plugin uses the background palette. Default is background.
An identifier whose name allows single objects to be referred to (if necessary) and multiple objects to be associated together into a group (see example below).
A name whose value depends on the kind of object being embedded.
width, height
The desired width and height of the object being embedded.
A boolean value that specifies whether or not the object should activate immediately (as opposed to waiting for the user to activate it). Note that it is not a good idea to specify "autostart=false" and then not make any controls available to the user; the object could never be activated.

<embed> Examples

This markup, which compares a standalone streaming-audio link to an embedded one (note that you'll need the RealAudio application and plugin, and your browser configured to use them, in order for these examples to work), shows one usage of the <embed> tag: <b>Standalone RealAudio link:</b><br> <a href="http://www.arnspub.com/QuickRef/Buckyballs.ram"> Click Me</a> <p><b>Embedded RealAudio link:</b><br> <embed src="http://www.arnspub.com/QuickRef/Buckyballs.rpm" console="Clip1" controls="PlayButton" height=25 width=50 autostart=false> <embed src="http://www.arnspub.com/QuickRef/NoAudio.rpm" console="Clip1" controls="StopButton" height=25 width=25 autostart=false> <embed src="http://www.arnspub.com/QuickRef/NoAudio.rpm" console="Clip1" controls="VolumeSlider" height=25 width=50 autostart=false> Both the Buckyballs.ram and the Buckyballs.rpm file are RealAudio metafiles; the .ram suffix stands for RealAudio Metafile, and the .rpm suffix stands for RealAudio Plugin Metafile. Both files are one-line text files whose contents specify the RealAudio file to play; the different suffixes merely serve to tell the browser whether to use the standalone player or the embedded player. The contents of the metafiles are as follows:
The Buckyballs.ra file is the RealAudio file to be played. Note that the "NoAudio.rpm" file is a "null" file; its name can be anything you want, as long as the contents consist solely of a carriage return (ASCII 15). The second and third <embed> tags are associated with the same RealAudio file as the first one (because of the value of the Console attribute), but there's no need to download a metafile for each individual control; hence, the null RealAudio file. The above markup causes the following to be displayed:
Standalone RealAudio link:
Click Me

Embedded RealAudio link:

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