The graphic artists at Arns Publishing have been doing art virtually
all their lives, have been getting recognition and winning art contests
since childhood. APD offers several services in the art domain:
- Graphical arts, including:
- Original art: Creating of artwork either from scratch, or using
components of clip art and stock photography, or both.
- Digital retouching of photos: many photos are too bright or too
dark, have too little contrast or too much, color saturation too
little or too much, color balance wrong, and on and on--in
short, many photos needs to be retouched to make them
presentable, and with the years of Photoshop experience that APD
has, we can do that for you.
- High-res images for print: When printing on paper, the press has
a much higher resolution (number of dots per inch) than does a
computer monitor, so what is best for print? APD has been
creating documents for print--both black-and-white and CMYK--for
many years, and knows the little details to make the final
product turn out best.
- Lower-res images for the web: Not only does a computer screen
have much lower resolution than ink on paper, but other issues
are involved as well. For example, additive vs. subtractive
color spaces, transparent vs. opaque background, dithering, file
size, alpha channel, lossy vs. lossless compression, and more.
The lead illustrator at APD, while a technical writer at
Hewlett-Packard, wrote--virtually single-handedly--a
three-volume, 1400-page tutorial on computer graphics. Though
intended for end users, new lab engineers also read it to learn
about computer graphics.
- To do justice to the above services, certain technical understanding is
required, which APD has:
- An understanding of which file formats are best for which
application (GIF, JPEG, PSD, TIFF, EPS, PNG, PDF, etc., etc.).
Is a vector file or a bitmap required? How many bits per pixel
are needed? Which file types support transparency? What if I
want 24-bit color and transparency? What's the
destination medium?
- An understanding of how to make images look aesthetically
pleasing (see examples of our artwork in the Web section and the Print section of the Portfolio
page) for a few examples.
Arns Publishing and Design
813 Marshall Street Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: 970-207-9176 Fax: 207-9279
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Arns Publishing and Design unless otherwise noted,
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